Student Health Clinic - Home

Student Health Clinic

Welcome to the Butte College Student Health Clinic

For Up-To-Date information regarding COVID-19 and Butte Colleges response, visit

Supporting the Mission, Vision, & Values of Butte College, the Student Health Clinic provides high-quality physical and mental healthcare services for all eligible students in order to encourage wellness and learning.

All students currently registered in credit classes are eligible for services. During the summer, you are eligible for service if you are enrolled in the summer or following Fall semester.

*Please bring a copy of your class schedule (available from A&R) as proof of enrollment during the summer.


Revised Testing Criteria
March 26, 2020

Testing for COVID-19 is now available in a number of public health, commercial and hospital laboratories in California, however broad scale testing is not available. This guidance is intended to support health care providers and laboratories in determining testing prioritization. Persons who may be considered for testing depending on clinical severity and community health relevance include:

  1. Hospitalized patients who have signs and symptoms compatible with COVID-19 in order to inform decisions related to infection control or medical management.

  2. Residents and staff of long-term care facilities with signs and symptoms compatible with COVID-19.

  3. Other persons who are at higher risk for severe infection with signs and symptoms compatible with COVID-19. These persons include older adults (age >65 years) and individuals with chronic medical conditions.

  4. Residents and staff of correctional facilities and other congregate settings with signs and symptoms compatible with COVID-19.

  5. Healthcare personnel with signs and symptoms compatible with COVID 19.

View More Announcements

Student Health Clinic Policies


We adhere to very strict Federal regulations on healthcare privacy (HIPAA). The student's time here is private and confidential. HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices

Confidentiality may be broken if the patient poses a danger to self or others.

Treatment of Minors

Any student under the age of 18 is required to have a parental consent form signed and on file at the clinc before receiving treatment (except in emergencies or cases exempted by law). This form can be picked up at the Student Health Clinic or  click here to print and complete at home.

Minors under 17 need to be accompanied by a parent.

Accident and Injury Insurance

The Butte-Glenn College District covers students for injuries that occur on campus, in college-sponsored activities and classes, and while traveling under college supervision to and from such activities. The injured student must file an insurance claim at SHC within 90 days of the injury. Please make sure a Student Accident/Injury Report is completed prior to to filing claim.

Click here to open and complete Student Accident/Injury Report. Please send completed form to the Student Health Clinic, Parking Lot 3C.

About Us

Parking Lot 3C, across from the ARTS Building
3536 Butte Campus Drive
Oroville, CA 95965

Map Find Us on Campus

Our Hours

Fall and Spring
Monday - Thursday
8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Friday - 8 am to Noon

Monday - Thursday
8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Friday - Closed

Same Day Appointments May Be Available
Call 530-895-2441

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Content Editor:
Jordan Frazer